Friday, November 9, 2012

Okay since I am new to this whole blogging thing I though that I would just start writing and see where it takes me.

I have been told many time by a number of people that I am supermom and that they can't believe how much I do everyday. WHY? don't all moms do a lot? Don't get me wrong I appreciate the comment and the praise but I know that I probably could do more. I may go totally and completely insane but I could do more. ;)

These next couple months are the busiest for me. I have two small children, one has Martial Arts Monday and Wednesday. The other has dance on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The one that has dance is scheduled to perform in a Raiders half time show (Nov. 18th), a Holiday performance (Dec. 9th), and a Performance at Disneyland (Dec. 30th). She has to learn four different dances which means extra days at her studio (add 2 more days per week). I think I live at the studio lol.

Even though I am blessed by being able to stay home with my children, I still have a part-time full-time job selling Scentsy. I call it a part-time/full-time job because even though I don't have a boss and can do my selling whenever I want, I still have to work to keep up my clientele so that I can bring in some money too. Luckily I love the product and enjoy selling it! This to takes up some of my time.

I have a craft fair Dec 5th which I am making little girl dresses and hair ties for. I'm also going to bring my Scentsy to sell. The hair ties are almost done (got 38 of those). The dresses...well those take a bit of time. I hand crochet the top and then attach the tulle. I've got almost 3 done. 

  Lets not forget the everyday tasks...taking my daughter to school and picking her up, Homework, laundry, dishes, lunches for husband and kiddos, feed 3 dogs morning and night, baths for the kids at night, and bedtime stories. Have I missed anything? 

Thanksgiving is in less then 2 weeks. I'm excited! My best friend and I are going to hit the movie theater Thanksgiving night to see Breaking Dawn Part 2!!! Then of course there is the Black Friday sales that have to be hit the next morning. Have to be in and out with those because I  have to get home and cook a huge turkey dinner for our friends and family.

My grandpa...who was the greatest man I have ever known past away. My little family and I will be flying down to So Cal for his funeral then flying back home.

Husbands birthday is the same day as the Holiday performance my daughter is going to be in. Lets not forget Christmas and New Years. I'm sure there will be more things added in-between.

In my spare time I love to read books. 

I don't think I'm a supermom, I think I am just a mom and a wife with a busy schedule. I am sure there are moms far busier then me out  there. For those who have just about had it....Stay strong! Take a deep breath, pick up your chin and remind yourself that you can to it!!

I hope that I did this bog thing correctly. Thank you for taking the time to read my rantings. Have a fantastic weekend. :)